What happens to your household waste? , who handles certain produce or manufactures it? Our Industry is made up of many services and users, below you will find just a few of them that you might be able to listen into and find out just what happens.
Legend: Frequency - User - Area
161.0500MHz - Launceston Waste Centre - Cavalry Rd, Mowbray
163.4375MHz - JJ Richards & Sons - Launceston (Household Rubbish Removal)
168.2200MHz - Beswick Holdings Pty Ltd - Sisters Creek
450.1000MHz - Nystar Zinc Works - Lutana
464.0000MHz - Nystar Zinc Works (Security) - Lutana
466.7500MHz - Mobil Oil Storage - Bell Bay
483.1500MHz - Nystar Zinc Works - Wharf Operations
484.9750MHz - Shell Depot - Devonport
488.3500MHz - Nystar Zinc Works - Wharf Operations
495.0250MHz - AMCOR - Launceston
161.0500MHz - Launceston Waste Centre - Cavalry Rd, Mowbray
163.4375MHz - JJ Richards & Sons - Launceston (Household Rubbish Removal)
168.2200MHz - Beswick Holdings Pty Ltd - Sisters Creek
450.1000MHz - Nystar Zinc Works - Lutana
464.0000MHz - Nystar Zinc Works (Security) - Lutana
466.7500MHz - Mobil Oil Storage - Bell Bay
483.1500MHz - Nystar Zinc Works - Wharf Operations
484.9750MHz - Shell Depot - Devonport
488.3500MHz - Nystar Zinc Works - Wharf Operations
495.0250MHz - AMCOR - Launceston