Below you will find the standard Australian VHF / HF Marine frequency allocations as well as any other relevant Maritime information and frequencies.
If you live near the water or a port, then you may find the marine band quite active and busy, but even if you don't then the chances are still good that you will hear some activity so it might pay to keep them programmed in.
Australia has several 27MHz frequencies allocated which operate in the AM mode with a maximum power output of 4 Watts. Although occasionally still in use, this band is now considered obsolete and therefore should not be relied upon in an emergency situation, it is strongly recommended that you instead install a suitable VHF transceiver for your vessel as well as carry an EPIRB at all times.
27MHz Marine Allocation
Legend: Channel - Frequency - Usage
Ch 68 - 27.6800 - Commercial, Ship-Shore-Ship
Ch 72 - 27.7200 - Professional Shipping
Ch 82 - 27.8200 - Professional Shipping
Ch 86 - 27.8600 - Secondary Distress & Safety Monitoring
Ch 88 - 27.8800 - Primary Distress & Safety Monitoring
Ch 90 - 27.9000 - Domestic Ship-Shore-Ship
Ch 91 - 27.9100 - Domestic Ship-Shore-Ship
Ch 94 - 27.9400 - Club Events, Ship-Shore-Ship
Ch 96 - 27.9600 - Ship To Ship
Ch 98 - 27.9800 - Rescue Organisations
Legend: Channel - Frequency - Usage
Ch 68 - 27.6800 - Commercial, Ship-Shore-Ship
Ch 72 - 27.7200 - Professional Shipping
Ch 82 - 27.8200 - Professional Shipping
Ch 86 - 27.8600 - Secondary Distress & Safety Monitoring
Ch 88 - 27.8800 - Primary Distress & Safety Monitoring
Ch 90 - 27.9000 - Domestic Ship-Shore-Ship
Ch 91 - 27.9100 - Domestic Ship-Shore-Ship
Ch 94 - 27.9400 - Club Events, Ship-Shore-Ship
Ch 96 - 27.9600 - Ship To Ship
Ch 98 - 27.9800 - Rescue Organisations
VHF frequencies operate in the NFM mode with a maximum power output of 25 Watts.
VHF Marine Allocation
Legend: Channel - TX Frequency / RX Frequency
01 - 156.050 / 156.650
02 - 156.100 / 160.700
03 - 156.150 / 160.750
04 - 156.200 / 160.800
05 - 156.250 / 156.850
06 - 156.300 / 156.300
07 - 156.350 / 160.950
08 - 156.400 / 156.400
09 - 156.450 / 156.450
10 - 156.500 / 156.500
11 - 156.550 / 156.550
12 - 156.600 / 156.600
13 - 156.650 / 156.650
14 - 156.700 / 156.700
15 - 156.750 / 156.750
16 - 156.800 / 156.800
17 - 156.850 / 156.850
18 - 156.900 / 161.500
19 - 156.950 / 161.550
20 - 157.000 / 161.600
21 - 157.050 / 161.650
22 - 157.100 / 161.700
23 - 157.150 / 161.750
24 - 157.200 / 161.800
25 - 157.250 / 161.850
26 - 157.300 / 161.900
27 - 157.350 / 161.950
28 - 157.400 / 162.000
60 - 156.025 / 160.625
61 - 156.075 / 160.675
62 - 156.125 / 160.725
63 - 156.175 / 160.775
64 - 156.225 / 160.825
65 - 156.275 / 160.875
66 - 156.325 / 160.925
67 - 156.375 / 156.375
68 - 156.425 / 156.425
69 - 156.475 / 156.475
70 - 156.525 / 156.525
71 - 156.575 / 156.575
72 - 156.625 / 156.625
73 - 156.675 / 156.675
74 - 156.725 / 156.725
75 - 156.775 / 156.775
76 - 156.825 / 156.825
77 - 156.875 / 156.875
78 - 156.925 / 161.525
79 - 156.975 / 161.575
80 - 157.025 / 161.625
81 - 157.075 / 161.675
82 - 157.125 / 161.725
83 - 157.175 / 161.775
84 - 157.225 / 161.825
85 - 157.275 / 161.875
86 - 157.325 / 161.925
87 - 157.375 / 157.375
88 - 157.425 / 157.425
AIS 1 - 161.975
AIS 2 - 162.025
Channel Usage:
Channel 6 ~ Port Ops, Commercial usage, Search & Rescue
Channel 8 ~ Commercial usage, Tugs and Port Operations
Channel 9-14 ~ Port Operations
Channel 16 ~ Primary Emergency Channel. (Distress and Safety)
Channel 20 ~ Used for Port Operations
Channel 23 - 28 ~ Used by Seaphone
Channel 67 ~ Secondary Emergency Channel. (Distress and Safety)
Channel 68 ~ Port Operations
Channel 71 ~ Professional Fishing
Channel 72 ~ Yachts, Commercial usage and Port Operations
Channel 73 ~ Yachts and Non-Commercial fishing
Channel 74 ~ Commercial usage
Channel 77 ~ Yachts and Commercial fishing
Channel 78 ~ Commercial usage
Channel 79 ~ Port Operations
AIS 1 & 2 ~ Used for Automatic Identification System, see AMSA for details.
Legend: Channel - TX Frequency / RX Frequency
01 - 156.050 / 156.650
02 - 156.100 / 160.700
03 - 156.150 / 160.750
04 - 156.200 / 160.800
05 - 156.250 / 156.850
06 - 156.300 / 156.300
07 - 156.350 / 160.950
08 - 156.400 / 156.400
09 - 156.450 / 156.450
10 - 156.500 / 156.500
11 - 156.550 / 156.550
12 - 156.600 / 156.600
13 - 156.650 / 156.650
14 - 156.700 / 156.700
15 - 156.750 / 156.750
16 - 156.800 / 156.800
17 - 156.850 / 156.850
18 - 156.900 / 161.500
19 - 156.950 / 161.550
20 - 157.000 / 161.600
21 - 157.050 / 161.650
22 - 157.100 / 161.700
23 - 157.150 / 161.750
24 - 157.200 / 161.800
25 - 157.250 / 161.850
26 - 157.300 / 161.900
27 - 157.350 / 161.950
28 - 157.400 / 162.000
60 - 156.025 / 160.625
61 - 156.075 / 160.675
62 - 156.125 / 160.725
63 - 156.175 / 160.775
64 - 156.225 / 160.825
65 - 156.275 / 160.875
66 - 156.325 / 160.925
67 - 156.375 / 156.375
68 - 156.425 / 156.425
69 - 156.475 / 156.475
70 - 156.525 / 156.525
71 - 156.575 / 156.575
72 - 156.625 / 156.625
73 - 156.675 / 156.675
74 - 156.725 / 156.725
75 - 156.775 / 156.775
76 - 156.825 / 156.825
77 - 156.875 / 156.875
78 - 156.925 / 161.525
79 - 156.975 / 161.575
80 - 157.025 / 161.625
81 - 157.075 / 161.675
82 - 157.125 / 161.725
83 - 157.175 / 161.775
84 - 157.225 / 161.825
85 - 157.275 / 161.875
86 - 157.325 / 161.925
87 - 157.375 / 157.375
88 - 157.425 / 157.425
AIS 1 - 161.975
AIS 2 - 162.025
Channel Usage:
Channel 6 ~ Port Ops, Commercial usage, Search & Rescue
Channel 8 ~ Commercial usage, Tugs and Port Operations
Channel 9-14 ~ Port Operations
Channel 16 ~ Primary Emergency Channel. (Distress and Safety)
Channel 20 ~ Used for Port Operations
Channel 23 - 28 ~ Used by Seaphone
Channel 67 ~ Secondary Emergency Channel. (Distress and Safety)
Channel 68 ~ Port Operations
Channel 71 ~ Professional Fishing
Channel 72 ~ Yachts, Commercial usage and Port Operations
Channel 73 ~ Yachts and Non-Commercial fishing
Channel 74 ~ Commercial usage
Channel 77 ~ Yachts and Commercial fishing
Channel 78 ~ Commercial usage
Channel 79 ~ Port Operations
AIS 1 & 2 ~ Used for Automatic Identification System, see AMSA for details.
NOTE: Some channels in the above list carry SeaPhone Traffic (Telephone over Radio), please be aware that listening to any sort of Telephone traffic is highly illegal in Australia, if you happen to come across such traffic you should immediately cease listening and change channels at once.
Cruise Ships
Legend: Frequency - Area / Port
450.4500 - Devonport
450.1500 - Devonport
463.3750 - Devonport
465.3000 - Devonport
466.2500 - Devonport
465.3750 - Devonport
465.8750 - Devonport
Legend: Frequency - Area / Port
450.4500 - Devonport
450.1500 - Devonport
463.3750 - Devonport
465.3000 - Devonport
466.2500 - Devonport
465.3750 - Devonport
465.8750 - Devonport
Associated Services & Users
Legend: Frequency - User - Area / Notes
460.2250 - Coast Radio Hobart - Uplink. Mt. Nelson, Hobart
451.5250 - Coast Radio Hobart - Mt. Nelson, Hobart
450.0750 - Hobart Ports - Macquarie Wharf, Hobart
157.4500 - Sandy Bay & Lindisfarne Sailing - Used For Weekend Races
4125KHz USB - Distress & Safety Traffic - International
6215KHz USB - As Above
8291KHz USB - As Above
8176KHz USB - Marine Safety Information - International
Legend: Frequency - User - Area / Notes
460.2250 - Coast Radio Hobart - Uplink. Mt. Nelson, Hobart
451.5250 - Coast Radio Hobart - Mt. Nelson, Hobart
450.0750 - Hobart Ports - Macquarie Wharf, Hobart
157.4500 - Sandy Bay & Lindisfarne Sailing - Used For Weekend Races
4125KHz USB - Distress & Safety Traffic - International
6215KHz USB - As Above
8291KHz USB - As Above
8176KHz USB - Marine Safety Information - International
Marine Weather Services
(Australian Weather East) broadcasts for the following areas in USB mode:
Coastal Waters between Cape Don in the Northern Territory and Eucla in Western Australia, including all Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia zones. High Seas for the Northern, North Eastern and South Eastern high seas areas.
(Australian Weather West) broadcasts for the following areas in USB mode:
Coastal Waters between the South Australia - Victoria border and Torres Strait in Queensland including all South Australia, Western Australia and Northern Territory zones. High Seas for the Northern, Western and South Eastern high seas areas.
VMC & VMW Frequencies
Legend: Service - Frequency - Schedule
VMC - 4426 KHz & 16546 KHz - Daytime (7am-6pm)
VMC - 2201 KHz & 6507 KHz - Night-time (6pm-7am)
VMC - 8176 KHz & 12365 KHz - Anytime (*)
VMW - 4149 KHz & 16528 KHz - Daytime (7am-6pm)
VMW - 2056 KHz & 6230 KHz - Night-time (6pm-7am)
VMW - 8113 KHz & 12362 KHz - Anytime
Legend: Service - Frequency - Schedule
VMC - 4426 KHz & 16546 KHz - Daytime (7am-6pm)
VMC - 2201 KHz & 6507 KHz - Night-time (6pm-7am)
VMC - 8176 KHz & 12365 KHz - Anytime (*)
VMW - 4149 KHz & 16528 KHz - Daytime (7am-6pm)
VMW - 2056 KHz & 6230 KHz - Night-time (6pm-7am)
VMW - 8113 KHz & 12362 KHz - Anytime